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Suklam Baradharam Vishnum Ms Subbulakshmi Mp3 Download

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शुक्लाम्बरधरंविष्णुंशशिवर्णंचतुर्भुजम् ।प्रसन्नवदनंध्यायेत्सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥

*Suklam Baradharam Vishnum Ms Subbulakshmi Mp3 Download 2017

Jan 19, 2009  Suklam Baradharam Vishnum - Most powerful sloka (with English translation) This is one of the prayers to be addressed to Lord Vishnu as soon as you wake up. It lists the Sixteen Names of Lord Vishnu. Below are the Sanskrit verses and its English translation. May 16, 2012 50+ videos Play all Mix - Suklam Baradharam YouTube Om Gan Ganpate Namo Namah 108 times Anuradha Paudwal Juke Box - Duration: 51:29. T-Series Bhakti Sagar 25,419,386 views. Suklam baradharam,suklam baradharam vishnum telugu lyrics,suklam baradharam vishnum telugu mp3,suklam baradharam vishnum telugu pdf. Suklam Baradharam Vishnum is one of the most powerful Lord Vishnu slokas. It is believed that reciting/ listening to this song early morning after waking up will bring peace and prosperity in your life.

Sukla-Ambara-Dharam Vissnnum Shashi-Varnnam Catur-Bhujam |Prasanna-Vadanam Dhyaayet Sarva-Vighno[a-U]pashaantaye ||


(We Meditate on Sri Vishnu) Who is Wearing White Clothes, Who is All-Pervading, Who is Bright in Appearance like the Moon and Who is Having Four Hands,Who is Having a Compassionate and Gracious Face, Let us Meditate on Him To Ward of all Obstacles.Suklam Baradharam Vishnum

Lord Vishnu Slokas & Mantras Suklam Baradharam Vishnum Ms Subbulakshmi Mp3 Download 2017

Suklam Baradharam VishnumKayena Vaca ManasendriyairvaaShantakaaram BhujagashayanamSa Sankha Chakram Sa Kirita Kundalam





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